Robbery cases can seriously harm a lot of innocent people to the point of even having their lives be put at risk. And this is all because of utmost selfishness and the wicked ways that some people resolve to doing even if it puts them into the most desperate and most extreme measures. An expert takes into consideration the case which involves George S. He was convicted of a crime which involves murder of a 20 year old female who died of major injuries as her purse was snatched in a moving train.
It was further investigated by the expert who also studied the case that George intentionally wanted to rob the said victim. The whole story start with the victim by the name of Regina G leaving her home to buy a present for her brother’s birthday. It was the very same morning that S also met with his friend Samaniego by the subway. S said that George told him about his plans of snatching someone uptown. In short, it all led to a terrible tragedy with George snatching the purse of Regina which eventually caused the worse accident of having her legs passed over by a train. Her pelvic bones and legs were crushed that she instantly died after 11 days.