
New York Court Rules that Defendant Has Satisfied Prior Judgment

This case is being heard in the Family Court of New York in Kings County. The issue before the court is whether the help of the court is still required. The respondent mother has moved to dismiss the petitions. This motion is supported by the attorney for the children.

Case background

The respondent mother is a public school teacher and admitted that she inflicted excessive corporal punishment on her now sixteen year old son. Both her son and daughter have been returned home and there have been no further incidents. The respondent has completed all of the recommended services and the respondent mother and her son continue to attend both family and individual therapy. The protection order was vacated nine months ago.

Court Discussion and Decision

The children of the case were removed from the home of the respondent mother because it was alleged that she inflicted excessive corporal punishment upon him. Specifically, the respondent beat her son with a belt and the police had to come and take the child away.

The mother started a parenting support program immediately after her children were taken away. She has done everything according to the requirements, never missing a parenting class and attending an anger management program every week as well.

In review of the facts of the case the court finds that the petitions of the case should be dropped. The mother has proven that she is improving herself as a parent and continues to work on her anger management and other parenting skills through therapy and group work.

The motion to drop the petitions against the respondent is granted.

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