A New York Robbery Lawyer discusses the details of a court case that illustrates the difference between first and second degree robbery. A, B, and T were brought before the court on charges of first degree robbery. B and T were found guilty of the charges while A was acquitted…
New York Criminal Lawyer Blog 24/7
A New York Man, Bennie H, found himself facing additional charges
A New York Man, Bennie H, found himself facing additional charges following his arrest for possession and sale of a controlled substance in 2004. It seems that he had been arrested in North Carolina previously for robbery. The previous conviction made his current charges considerably more serious because under New…
What does kidnapping really mean?
What does kidnapping really mean? Is there a difference in the law’s treatment of a kidnapping and a kidnapping done as part of another crime? In this case, a New York Robbery Lawyer discusses how the law treats the two differently. William G was charged with robbery in the first…
David M was charged with 1st degree robbery and put on trial.
A source tells of a case in Albany County where the judges came up with different decisions because of their differing perspectives on how double jeopardy applied to a situation. David M was charged with 1st degree criminal robbery and put on trial. According to our expert, 1st degree robbery…
In some trials, there are more than one judge who comes up with the verdict
In some trials, there are more than one judge who comes up with the verdict. Have you ever wondered what would happen if not all the judges agreed on a decision? A source tells of one such case. Frank A was charged with robbery and illegal possession of a weapon…
The right lawyer can mean the difference between guilty and not guilty
Although a lot of people joke about lawyers being a hassle to work with, when push comes to shove, the right lawyer can mean the difference between guilty and not guilty. Your lawyer should speak for you and say what you want to say. But what happens when a lawyer…
Court cases are very interesting in that the verdicts that the courts come up with for similar situations can be very different
Court cases are very interesting in that the verdicts that the courts come up with for similar situations can be very different. Our source tells of one case where a pair of men robbed someone but were given different sentences. In September 2, 2004, Frank M was found guilty by…
There is no better way to learn a lot with the legal proceedings of robbery cases but by going through cases
There is no better way to learn a lot with the legal proceedings of robbery cases but by going through cases that an expert has handled in the past. This goes the same for this robbery case of Walter J which happened last October 8, 1978. He was arrested by…
It is common for a lot of robbery cases to be accompanied with a crime of murder
It is common for a lot of robbery cases to be accompanied with a crime of murder. It is truly devastating to learn from a competent observer how numerous criminal cases such as this bombard the neighborhood of New York. A case that can serve as a good example for…
Sometimes it works to be doubly cautious with the helpers we get to live with us in our own home
Sometimes it works to be doubly cautious with the helpers we get to live with us in our own home. This is the case that transpired with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold W as the victims and Frank C and Denise G as the ones convicted of the murder and robbery.…